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Join our Holiday Chorus

Like to sing?

Come sing with the Hollis Town Band's "Christmas, Chanukah, Winter, Kwanza, New Year, Whatever You Want To Call It Concert Chorus"! The concert is put on in conjunction with the Women's Fellowship of the Hollis Congregational Church.

Chorus rehearsals start in mid-October and are held on Wednesdays on the second floor of the Hollis Town Hall in Hollis, NH, and run from 7:30PM to 8:15PM.

For 2019 the rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, October 23rd and the concert will be Saturday, December 14th, at 7pm in the auditorium at Hollis Brookline High School on Cavalier Court off of Rt. 122 in Hollis.

There are no auditions - just come with a desire to sing and have a good time making music. Can't make the first rehearsal? That's OK - come when you can.

If you are interested in joining the chorus this year, please contact band director David Bailey at or at (603)883-2448 for more information.

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